Appendices |CITE

2022-08-26 19:55:26 By : Mr. Jackie Cai

1.    Species included in these Appendices are referred to:

       a)    by the name of the species; or

       b)    as being all of the species included in a higher taxon or designated part thereof.

2.    The abbreviation “spp.” is used to denote all species of a higher taxon.

3.    Other references to taxa higher than species are for the purposes of information or classification only. The common names included after the scientific names of families are for reference only. They are intended to indicate the species within the family concerned that are included in the Appendices. In most cases this is not all of the species within the family.

4.    The following abbreviations are used for plant taxa below the level of species:

       a)    “ssp.” is used to denote subspecies; and

       b)    “var(s).” is used to denote variety (varieties).

5.    As none of the species or higher taxa of FLORA included in Appendix I is annotated to the effect that its hybrids shall be treated in accordance with the provisions of Article III of the Convention, this means that artificially propagated hybrids produced from one or more of these species or taxa may be traded with a certificate of artificial propagation, and that seeds and pollen (including pollinia), cut flowers, seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers of these hybrids are not subject to the provisions of the Convention.

6.    The names of the countries in parentheses placed against the names of species in Appendix III are those of the Parties submitting these species for inclusion in this Appendix.

7.    When a species is included in one of the Appendices, the whole, live or dead, animal or plant is included. In addition, for animal species listed in Appendix III and plant species listed in Appendix II or III, all parts and derivatives of the species are also included in the same Appendix unless the species is annotated to indicate that only specific parts and derivatives are included. The symbol # followed by a number placed against the name of a species or higher taxon included in Appendix II or III refers to a footnote that indicates the parts or derivatives of animals or plants that are designated as 'specimens' subject to the provisions of the Convention in accordance with Article I, paragraph (b), subparagraph (ii) or (iii).

8.    The terms and expressions below, used in annotations in these Appendices, are defined as follows:

Any substance obtained directly from plant material by physical or chemical means regardless of the manufacturing process. An extract may be solid (e.g. crystals, resin, fine or coarse particles), semi-solid (e.g. gums, waxes) or liquid (e.g. solutions, tinctures, oil and essential oils).

A musical instrument (as referenced by the Harmonized System of the World Customs Organization, Chapter 92; musical instruments, parts and accessories of such articles) that is ready to play or needs only the installation of parts to make it playable. This term includes antique instruments (as defined by the Harmonized System codes 97.05 and 97.06; Works of art, collectors' pieces and antiques).

A musical instrument accessory (as referenced by the Harmonized System of the World Customs Organization, Chapter 92; musical instruments, parts and accessories of such articles) that is separate from the musical instrument, and is specifically designed or shaped to be used explicitly in association with an instrument, and that requires no further modification to be used.

A part (as referenced by the Harmonized System of the World Customs Organization, Chapter 92; musical instruments, parts and accessories of such articles) of a musical instrument that is ready to install and is specifically designed and shaped to be used explicitly in association with the instrument to make it playable.

Finished products packaged and ready for retail trade

Products, shipped singly or in bulk, requiring no further processing, packaged, labelled for final use or the retail trade in a state fit for being sold to or used by the general public.

A dry, solid substance in the form of fine or coarse particles.

Cargo transported under the terms of a single bill of lading or air waybill, irrespective of the quantity or number of containers, packages, or pieces worn, carried or included in personal baggage.

For the term "10 kg per shipment", the 10 kg limit should be interpreted as referring to the weight of the individual portions of each item in the shipment made of wood of the species concerned. In other words, the 10 kg limit is to be assessed against the weight of the individual portions of wood of Dalbergia/Guibourtia species contained in each item of the shipment, rather than against the total weight of the shipment.

Defined by Harmonized System code 44.09: Wood (including strips, friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled), continuously shaped (tongued, grooved, v-jointed, beaded or the like) along any edges, ends or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed.

Wood that has been reduced to small pieces.

Only the population of Mexico is included in Appendix I. No other population is included in the Appendices.

Except the populations of: Argentina (the populations of the Provinces of Jujuy, Catamarca and Salta, and the semi-captive populations of the Provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja and San Juan), Chile (populations of the region of Tarapacá and of the region of Arica and Parinacota), Ecuador (the whole population), Peru (the whole population) and the Plurinational State of Bolivia (the whole population), which are included in Appendix II

Only the populations of Argentina (the populations of the Provinces of Jujuy, Catamarca and Salta, and the semi-captive populations of the Provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja and San Juan), Chile (populations of the region of Tarapacá and of the region of Arica and Parinacota), Ecuador (the whole population), Peru (the whole population) and the Plurinational State of Bolivia (the whole population); all other populations are included in Appendix I

(Only the populations of Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan; all other populations are included in Appendix II)

Except the species included in Appendix I and the populations of Pecari tajacu of Mexico and the United States of America, which are not included in the Appendices

Only the populations of Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan; all other populations are included in Appendix II. Excludes the domesticated form and the dingo which are referenced as Canis lupus familiaris and Canis lupus dingo, respectively, which are not subject to the provisions of the Convention

Except the populations of Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan, which are included in Appendix I. Excludes the domesticated form and the dingo which are referenced as Canis lupus familiaris and Canis lupus dingo, respectively, which are not subject to the provisions of the Convention

Except the species included in Appendix I. Excludes specimens of the domesticated form, which are not subject to the provisions of the Convention. For Panthera leo (African populations): a zero annual export quota is established for specimens of bones, bone pieces, bone products, claws, skeletons, skulls and teeth removed from the wild and traded for commercial purposes. Annual export quotas for trade in bones, bone pieces, bone products, claws, skeletons, skulls and teeth for commercial purposes, derived from captive breeding operations in South Africa, will be established and communicated annually to the CITES Secretariat.

Only the populations of Central and North America; all other populations are included in Appendix II

 Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I and Pteropus brunneus.

Except the subspecies included in Appendix I

Except the subspecies included in Appendix II

Except the species included in Appendix II

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe, which are included in Appendix II subject to annotation 2

Only the populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe; all other populations are included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except Caracara lutosa and the species of the family Cathartidae, which are not included in the Appendices; and the species included in Appendices I and III

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except Pterocnemia pennata pennata which is included in Appendix II

Only the populations of Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, the Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and the Sudan; all other populations are not included in the Appendices

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the subspecies included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the subspecies included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the subspecies included in Appendix I

Except Rheobatrachus silus and Rheobatrachus vitellinus which are not included in the Appendices

Except the species included in Appendix I

Except the species included in Appendix I

Includes only the species Heliopora coerulea. Fossils are not subject to the provisions of the Convention

Fossils are not subject to the provisions of the Convention

Fossils are not subject to the provisions of the Convention

Fossils are not subject to the provisions of the Convention

Fossils are not subject to the provisions of the Convention

Except the species included in Appendix I and except Pereskia spp., Pereskiopsis spp. and Quiabentia spp

Except for the species included in Appendix I

For all of the following Appendix‑I species, seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, and transported in sterile containers are not subject to the provisions of the Convention only if the specimens meet the definition of ‘artificially propagated’ agreed by the Conference of the Parties

Includes infraspecific taxa of this species

For the exclusive purpose of allowing international trade in fibre from vicuñas (Vicugna vicugna) and their derivative products, only if the fibre comes from the shearing of live vicuñas. Trade in products derived from the fibre may only take place in accordance with the following provisions:

      a)   Any person or entity processing vicuña fibre to manufacture cloth and garments must request authorization from the relevant authorities of the country of origin (Countries of origin: The countries where the species occurs, that is, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru) to use the "vicuña country of origin" wording, mark or logo adopted by the range States of the species that are signatories to the Convention for the Conservation and Management of the Vicuña.

      b)   Marketed cloth or garments must be marked or identified in accordance with the following provisions:

             i)    For international trade in  cloth  made from live-sheared vicuña fibre, whether the cloth was produced within or outside of the range States of the species, the wording, mark or logo must be used so that the country of origin can be identified. The VICUÑA [COUNTRY OF ORIGIN] wording, mark or logo has the format as detailed below:

                   This wording, mark or logo must appear on the reverse side of the cloth. In addition, the selvages of the cloth must bear the words VICUÑA [COUNTRY OF ORIGIN].

             ii)   For international trade in  garments  made from live-sheared vicuña fibre, whether the garments were produced within or outside of the range States of the species, the wording, mark or logo indicated in paragraph b) i) must be used. This wording, mark or logo must appear on a label on the garment itself. If the garments are produced outside of the country of origin, the name of the country where the garment was produced should also be indicated, in addition to the wording, mark or logo referred to in paragraph b) i).

      c)   For international trade in handicraft products made from live-sheared vicuña fibre produced within the range States of the species, the VICUÑA [COUNTRY OF ORIGIN] - ARTESANÍA wording, mark or logo must be used as detailed below:

      d)   If live-sheared vicuña fibre from various countries of origin is used for the production of cloth and garments, the wording, mark or logo of each of the countries of origin of the fibre must be indicated, as detailed in paragraphs b) i) and ii).

      e)   All other specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species listed in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly

Populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe (listed in Appendix II):

      For the exclusive purpose of allowing:

      a)   trade in hunting trophies for non-commercial purposes;

      b)   trade in live animals to appropriate and acceptable destinations, as defined in Resolution Conf. 11.20 (Rev. CoP18), for Botswana and Zimbabwe and for in situ conservation programmes for Namibia and South Africa;

      e)   trade in leather goods for commercial or non-commercial purposes for Botswana, Namibia and South Africa and for non-commercial purposes for Zimbabwe;

      f)    trade in individually marked and certified ekipas incorporated in finished jewellery for non-commercial purposes for Namibia and ivory carvings for non-commercial purposes for Zimbabwe;

      g)   trade in registered raw ivory (for Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe, whole tusks and pieces) subject to the following:

             i)    only registered government-owned stocks, originating in the State (excluding seized ivory and ivory of unknown origin);

             ii)   only to trading partners that have been verified by the Secretariat, in consultation with the Standing Committee, to have sufficient national legislation and domestic trade controls to ensure that the imported ivory will not be re-exported and will be managed in accordance with all requirements of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP18) concerning domestic manufacturing and trade;

             iii)  not before the Secretariat has verified the prospective importing countries and the registered government-owned stocks;

             iv)  raw ivory pursuant to the conditional sale of registered government-owned ivory stocks agreed at CoP12, which are 20,000 kg (Botswana), 10,000 kg (Namibia) and 30,000 kg (South Africa);

             v)   in addition to the quantities agreed at CoP12, government-owned ivory from Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe registered by 31 January 2007 and verified by the Secretariat may be traded and despatched, with the ivory in paragraph g) iv) above, in a single sale per destination under strict supervision of the Secretariat;

             vi)  the proceeds of the trade are used exclusively for elephant conservation and community conservation and development programmes within or adjacent to the elephant range; and

             vii) the additional quantities specified in paragraph g) v) above shall be traded only after the Standing Committee has agreed that the above conditions have been met; and

      h)   no further proposals to allow trade in elephant ivory from populations already in Appendix II shall be submitted to the Conference of the Parties for the period from CoP14 and ending nine years from the date of the single sale of ivory that is to take place in accordance with provisions in paragraphs g) i), g) ii), g) iii), g) vi) and g) vii). In addition such further proposals shall be dealt with in accordance with Decisions 16.55 and 14.78 (Rev. CoP16).

      On a proposal from the Secretariat, the Standing Committee can decide to cause this trade to cease partially or completely in the event of non-compliance by exporting or importing countries, or in the case of proven detrimental impacts of the trade on other elephant populations.

      All other specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly.

Artificially propagated specimens of the following hybrids and/or cultivars are not subject to the provisions of the Convention:

      –    Schlumbergera russelliana  x  Schlumbergera truncata

      –    Schlumbergera orssichiana  x  Schlumbergera truncata

      –    Schlumbergera opuntioides  x  Schlumbergera truncata

      –     Cactaceae spp. colour mutants grafted on the following grafting stocks:  Harrisia  'Jusbertii',  Hylocereus trigonus  or  Hylocereus undatus

Artificially propagated hybrids of the following genera are not subject to the provisions of the Convention, if conditions, as indicated under a) and b), are met: Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Phalaenopsis and Vanda:

      a)   Specimens are readily recognizable as artificially propagated and do not show any signs of having been collected in the wild such as mechanical damage or strong dehydration resulting from collection, irregular growth and heterogeneous size and shape within a taxon and shipment, algae or other epiphyllous organisms adhering to leaves, or damage by insects or other pests; and

      b)   i)    when shipped in non-flowering state, the specimens must be traded in shipments consisting of individual containers (such as cartons, boxes, crates or individual shelves of CC-containers) each containing 20 or more plants of the same hybrid; the plants within each container must exhibit a high degree of uniformity and healthiness; and the shipment must be accompanied by documentation, such as an invoice, which clearly states the number of plants of each hybrid; or 

           ii)    when shipped in flowering state, with at least one fully open flower per specimen, no minimum number of specimens per shipment is required but specimens must be professionally processed for commercial retail sale, e.g. labelled with printed labels or packaged with printed packages indicating the name of the hybrid and the country of final processing. This should be clearly visible and allow easy verification.

Plants not clearly qualifying for the exemption must be accompanied by appropriate CITES documents.  

Artificially propagated specimens of cultivars of Cyclamen persicum are not subject to the provisions of the Convention. However, the exemption does not apply to such specimens traded as dormant tubers.

Artificially propagated hybrids and cultivars of Taxus cuspidata, live, in pots or other small containers, each consignment being accompanied by a label or document stating the name of the taxon or taxa and the text 'artificially propagated', are not subject to the provisions of the Convention.

All parts and derivatives, except:

      a)   seeds, spores and pollen (including pollinia);

      b)   seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers;

      c)   cut flowers of artificially propagated plants; and

      d)   fruits, and parts and derivatives thereof, of artificially propagated plants of the genus Vanilla.

All parts and derivatives except:

      a)   seeds and pollen; and

      b)   finished products packaged and ready for retail trade.

Whole and sliced roots and parts of roots, excluding manufactured parts or derivatives, such as powders, pills, extracts, tonics, teas and confectionery.

All parts and derivatives, except:

      a)   seeds (including seedpods of Orchidaceae), spores and pollen (including pollinia). The exemption does not apply to seeds from Cactaceae spp. exported from Mexico, and to seeds from Beccariophoenix madagascariensis and Dypsis decaryi exported from Madagascar;

      b)   seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers;

      c)   cut flowers of artificially propagated plants;

      d)   fruits, and parts and derivatives thereof, of naturalized or artificially propagated plants of the genus Vanilla (Orchidaceae) and of the family Cactaceae;

      e)   stems, flowers, and parts and derivatives thereof, of naturalized or artificially propagated plants of the genera Opuntia subgenus Opuntia and Selenicereus (Cactaceae); and

      f)    finished products of Aloe ferox and Euphorbia antisyphilitica packaged and ready for retail trade.

Logs, sawn wood and veneer sheets.

Logs, sawn wood, veneer sheets and plywood.

Logs, woodchips, powder and extracts.

Underground parts (i.e. roots, rhizomes): whole, parts and powdered.

All parts and derivatives except those bearing a label:

      “Produced from  Hoodia  spp. material obtained through controlled harvesting and production under the terms of an agreement with the relevant CITES Management Authority of [Botswana under agreement No. BW/xxxxxx] [Namibia under agreement No. NA/xxxxxx] [South Africa under agreement No. ZA/xxxxxx]”.

Designates logs, sawn wood and veneer sheets, including unfinished wood articles used for the fabrication of bows for stringed musical instruments.

Logs, sawn wood, veneer sheets, plywood, powder and extracts. Finished products containing such extracts as ingredients, including fragrances, are not considered to be covered by this annotation.

Logs, sawn wood, veneer sheets, plywood and extracts. Finished products containing such extracts as ingredients, including fragrances, are not considered to be covered by this annotation.

The kernel (also known as 'endosperm', 'pulp' or 'copra') and any derivative thereof, except finished products packaged and ready for retail trade.

  All parts and derivatives except:

      b)   seedling or tissue cultures obtained  in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers;

      e)   exhausted agarwood powder, including compressed powder in all shapes; and

      f)    finished products packaged and ready for retail trade, this exemption does not apply to wood chips, beads, prayer beads and carvings.

All parts and derivatives, except:

      a)   Leaves, flowers, pollen, fruits, and seeds;

      b)   Finished products to a maximum weight of wood of the listed species of up to 10 kg per shipment;

      c)   Finished musical instruments, finished musical instrument parts and finished musical instrument accessories;

      d)   Parts and derivatives of Dalbergia cochinchinensis, which are covered by Annotation # 4;

      e)   Parts and derivatives of Dalbergia spp. originating and exported from Mexico, which are covered by Annotation # 6.

 Logs, sawn wood, veneer sheets, plywood and transformed wood.

Excluding parts and derivatives, other than eggs